Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Mother Wisdom

   Hello! I have not been blogging very much for quite a while now. I am in a place in life where I feel like I don't have a lot of creativity or much to say. I WANT to feel more creative and get out into the world and take beautiful pictures, or read wonderful books and have my mind feel more ready to interact and share, but that hasn't happened. I am sorry if you have checked my blog over the past months and have been disappointed.

   With that being said I attended a church a couple Sundays ago and was inspired by a woman who spoke. Her name is Lindsey and she is a mother. She titled her message 'Mother Wisdom' and I appreciated a lot of what she had to say. To be honest I often find my spirit is not open to learning or hearing what other people want to teach. I think this is mainly because I feel like I can't apply it well enough or I am already failing at what I perceive they would like to impart. This Sunday was different and I was thankful for that.

   When Lindsey went up to the front of the room she started by saying she had a pretty amazing heritage. She talked about parents and grandparents and great grandparents who had parented with intention, who had worked on healthy marriages, and had been wonderful examples. She talked about her husband coming from a similar heritage. Usually hearing this would make me tune out a bit because I would feel I could not relate. However this time I kept my ears opened. She then talked about the fact that coming from this heritage has not meant she was exempt at needing to fight her own battles.

  We all have our battles. They vary or course, but there is power in identifying what they are and choosing to face them and also fight them with all the tools we can muster.

She then started talking about anxiety and this is one of my battles!

  Anxiety is rampant in our society ~ children and adults alike are struggling. I can relate to this because my home is one that is full of anxiety in many shapes and forms for many reasons. This is just our reality. It is something we battle constantly here. As a mother I feel that if I am struggling with anxiety then the children are whirling around me out of control. It is such a daunting task to be the barometer setter in the home day after day. When I dont have healthy outlets and support to help me manage how I am doing; it sets a pretty drastic tone in this house to be honest. The days are long and exhausting and I often feel like I do not know what to do.

I have written about anxiety many times here but I wanted to write this list that she gave:

Position Yourself (this can mean so many things....have a shower, get into bed, get on your knees in prayer, get outside etc)
Quiet Yourself
Stop Reacting
Think Things Through
A Frantic Heart Can't Help
Remind Myself of Who God Is
Know He Is Mighty to Save
Wait Upon Him

I would add in there ~
 take some deep breaths
Get a drink and a snack :)
Let everyone around you know that mommy is going to be okay but she needs a minute!

'My feelings and emotions are a great barometer and a terrible compass.'

This quote really stood out to me.
So often we stuff down our emotions as being too overwhelming or too whatever it is that they are. However feelings are vital, they are important, BUT they don't have to be the boss of you.

She also said

'You can't have bravery without fear.'

Emotions happen TO us it is what we DO with them that matters. To face them takes bravery and courage. I often need a counsellor to face all of these emotions ~ just to be honest. It isn't easy.

  One day I will be going back through my blog and reading all these little posts I have written here because they remind me of lessons I have been taught and have tried to learn. That is really why I write here. And one day this exact post will help me through a moment. I hope that if you have been struggling with anxiety and overwhelm as a mother, you realize you are not alone. Anxiety is everywhere. Being a mother is no piece of cake. It is draining, such a huge responsibility and so often isolating and lonely. On the other side of it motherhood is beautiful. It is the best teacher. Motherhood is a sacrifice that not just anyone can make. Motherhood is a gift.

   I really believe though that motherhood is meant to be lived out with other mothers. I think that we need our friends, our sisters, our own mothers (and mother in laws) and mentors to walk along side us in this journey. When we do not have this consistently and even when we do...hormones, lack of sleep, money issues, physical limitations, social media, past issues, they all affect the quality of every day life. Keep this in perspective when anxiety overwhelms and you feel like you can't go on. Ask for tips, for help, or encouragement! Remember that you were gifted these little ones and you are doing your best. Remember your worth. Remember that each day is just a day and you can start over again in the next minute, the next hour, the next day.



Saturday, 13 October 2018

A Sweet Momma And Her Little Ones

What a glorious day. I am at one of my favorite places for the weekend and my sweet friend is due to have her last baby soon. We captured some moments and soaked in the beauty at the same time. Miracles are all around us ~

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

October's Light

  It is October once again and what a welcome month here in my corner of the planet. There are scarlet berries adorning deep shiny green bushes, October roses, leaves turning brilliant hues, wind swept clouds, hazy blue mountains, pouring rain, sun drenched fields, and the list goes on. Every time I leave my house and drive about there is a feast for the eyes every where you look.
    Some seasons are like that ~ full of color and joy and beauty. In this case the season of Autumn is preparation for a time of rest and in some ways death (for leaves), but also a time of deep nurturing to the trees and plants. Seeds wait to bloom, animals sleep deep or leave the area for warmer climbs. It is always always a good reminder that there are seasons to every life. The seasons don't stay forever but they teach us, nurture us, break us, and grow us.
May your October be beautiful and bright. Make great choices our there :)
 Maybe get a beautiful fall candle for your table or make a bouquet from the bright leaves?
Why not?