Friday, 8 November 2019

A Kindred Spirit

    I have always treasured my friendships. Is this normal? Maybe not. I tend to think of myself as quite co dependent although I have learned a lot about this and try not to follow that road as often. So in absolute truth maybe I have loved my friends so deeply because of this co dependence in some aspects. However, this loving of friends is something I remember from my earliest memories.  From what I have observed friends can take the place of family quite quickly really when family life is not optimal in a child's perspective. This also could have played into the value I put on my friendships and the effort I have put into sustaining them. I also think my personality and sensitivity, my deep love for people and things in general, also made me value my friendships more than some. With that being said when I read Anne of Green Gables, at quite a young age, the concept of a 'kindred spirit' was brought to my attention. Since then I have viewed many of my friends as kindred spirits.

  A kindred spirit is one who shares, in a sense, a part of the essence of you. They intrinsically understand why you are who you are and attempt to actively accept you because of the depths of their perception of who you are. They just get you. They love to be with you and experience beauty, fun and laughter with you. They also enter into the deep dark places in life's journey with you. Kindred spirits are not a dime a dozen, not real ones, not ones who are willing to be in all aspects of life with you. A kindred spirit is a precious gift that you are blessed to find. They are true happiness in human form. They are your encouragement, sometimes beacons of hope and light, they hold onto your dreams when you let them fall, they stand for you when you have been brought to your knees.

  A moment in my life comes to mind. I am home with some of my children and experience a traumatic health crisis. I am too weak to walk or stand or do anything. Two dear kindreds come without me asking and gently sweetly beautifully help me.When they leave more kindreds came all through the next hours and days to hold me up. That kindness carried me through one of my darkest times and it is why I am still here.

  My encouragement and challenge to anyone taking the time to read this is...
be a kindred spirit friend to those around you. Love people well, take time to understand who they are, why they are, where they have come from and accept them. Life is not meant to be lived alone, life is meant to be lived with love and with people literally with you, along side you. You are meant to be a kindred spirit :)