I've wanted to ask you for a while now
Is this how you wanted it to be?
I mean, the bees and the flowers and the Hummingbirds
The unfurling ferns and Roses
Busy ants and squirrels
The raccoon mother arguing with her half grown babe
That seems alright, it's perfection actually
But your people!
You knew how it would be
And yet you still, well, you still brought them here
There has been so much chaos and trauma
So much bloodshed
Sophistication and simplicity
Endless wealth and abject poverty
It is all right there
Spread before you
And the cries of the lonely hearts
The deeply wounded souls
You knew it all
I just don't pretend to understand
And so I look to the mountains
And way out across the ocean
And I see the Poppy blooming
And the leaves budding every spring
And the sunsets
And it has to be enough
For me, to be here, in all this pain,
The artistry of love, by such a Creator
Has to be enough