Monday, 29 May 2023

I Am Still Here

  These days writing here is just not something I seem to be able to find time for. I wish the story was different. I just wanted to say that I am still here. And also....

   Don't forget that no matter what is being mirrored to you by those around you that you actually do have much worth and value. If you are feeling pain, if your body is physically struggling, if you feel like an emotional wreck, if you can't get out of bed, if your body is covered in hives, if you are suffering!

   Your body is talking to you, telling you it needs to be heard, seen, it wants to matter. That you have value. It is telling you that things need to be acknowledged and worked through. Don't give up, don't think you are less than or that you don't matter.

You  matter

You have value

You are precious

You are important

You are special

And if no one else can say that to you

Well here I am saying it

And  you need to say it over yourself

And find a way to live it if you possibly can



Sunday, 7 May 2023

Thoughts On April

   I started April feeling pretty optimistic that it would be a month I felt a lot of joy in. My birthday was happening, Spring is in full swing and I looked forward to sunny cooler days and the hope these days bring to me. 

  However, April ended up being a very hard month emotionally for me. Things happened almost from the beginning that had my emotions in this continuous pendulum. My birthday ended up being a very busy time. I felt tenderly celebrated but also lonely too. I have friends that live far away and there are just times in life I miss them dearly. 

   April felt like hard work physically and emotionally and mentally and that's okay, I made it through. However, it was disappointing and I am hoping May brings some lighter days that feel happier and safer and beauty filled.

I hope you are doing well


A different era of my life, a different April ~ thankful for memories and the gifts they can bring