This Spring has been glorious. There have been uncharacteristically hot days which caught everyone off guard I think ~ but overall the dandelions and the blossoms and the fresh green of the growing grass filled souls to capacity which I think is exactly what Spring is supposed to do!
Life has been full here with the tiny mundane things that my life holds. We finished our homeschooling year early with the intentions of working through the summer on our next year. We are doing well with that goal and it is only mid June.
My husband and I took on a monumental task and sorted through, organized, packed and then moved my parents from a mid sized home to a small basement suite. Our four children, who still live at home, were with us every step of the way. It was about a month long process, and it took all we had to give (and then some), as the rest of life still had to be lived as well. In the end though I think that is what my husband and I do best. Or maybe it is truly where our hearts are? Just supporting and helping our family whenever we humanly can. It does not guarantee the best attitudes during the process but at the same time our hearts are truly for our family. Through it all I saw it make a difference in my parent's reality and that was what I had hoped for.
Each child of mine is a miracle. They are all in such vastly different stages of development and growth. My four year old is giving me a run for my money right now ~and they all have at different points in time. I am hoping for greater capacity in the coming months to problem solve and offer her more of what she is so clearly and loudly advocating for ~ in such hard ways :)
And through it all, and through it all....Life holds so much loveliness and beauty. This is what keeps my soul here you know? And I am so thankful.
My son picked me a tiny bouquet and from the Dandelion in the bouquet sprung this little wish as the Dandelion died. It was so ethereal, so tiny, so perfect it captured our hearts.
The delicacy, motion and vibrancy from a flower is so captivating and worth remembering.
This was from my birthday bouquet that my friend from Jamaica took time to order, and got brought to me. It meant so much and was so beautiful for many days on my kitchen table.
At Christmas time my oldest saw this tiny tiny wreath for sale and thought of me and bought it. It is so beyond delicate and sweet. It hangs on my kitchen window for me to enjoy every day.
One glorious dewy morning my friend Kirsten inspired me to go outside and take photos and I am so thankful for her encouragement and kindness in my life.
Spring Tulips are such treasures. It makes perfect sense why, for so long, they were only owned by royalty.
There is something about the togetherness of this photo. The delicate Poppy leaning against the strong branch of this tree it grows beside as it is so heavy with dew.
A dew filled cup of radiance.
They look like they are singing praises altogether to their creator.
A photo shoot (after a long discouraging day) by my twelve year old. She amazed me with her talent and capability to capture all I hoped for.
The Wisteria bloomed after two years of waiting. I was SO overjoyed.
Twinning! When my oldest lived with us she wanted to 'twin' often and it was so special. It does not happen as much anymore ~ so this was a precious moment ~ especially for little sister.
Big sister made little sister an outdoor kitchen and when she plays with it I feel so much happiness.
Lavendar ~ why do I love it? Why did I wish for it for so long? I don't know, but I did, and my oldest brought me some one day to plant ~ and it is thriving and I am so thankful!
Oh these precious moments~ these moments of truly living life to its fullest. Moments of peace, beauty, connection....they are everything.
This big brother is such a treasure. He makes his little sister's heart so happy.
And that, my dears, is a small update. May your days hold (even in the mundane, stressful, hardship that life often is) moments of beauty and may you see the light that is often waiting to be seen and treasured.
xo Tansy