Wednesday, 22 February 2017


  There is a Creator. I know that to the depths of my being. I grew up with a grandfather who I think also knew that, but tried as hard as he could to refute that. He and I had some very similar qualities and it almost cemented in me even more deeply my belief that was so opposite from his own.
  On Saturday I stood on slippery green rocks and listened to waves come to shore. I saw massive freighters far out in fog and mist and watched ducks crest the waves. Behind me dogs were running in the sand and rain and all around me color, depth and beauty filled me. I dont pretend to understand it all but in having children, in reliving the wonder of childhood through them, in homeschooling and learning about the astounding, overwhelming amount of species, the creativity, the color, how every living thing has a purpose and we dont know them all just proves it all to me.
  And I walk in that wonder.
  A couple days ago my sister came inside her eyes shining....'Tansy we have SNOWDROPS in our front yard!' The children had come in a couple days before that joyfully proclaiming the amazing news. There are bulbs coming up in this new yard and we are going to be discovering daily the gifts that the earth offers faithfully.
  There is so much trauma that abounds every day. I sometimes work through it more during different times and right now I feel I am working through some old trauma, some new trauama, and I am ever more and deeply more thankful for creation. For the Creator. The purpose I see all around and the light that shines even in the darkness that comes from people's choices or just the imperfections that this world has...That light shines with so much more brightness than all the darkness can ever try to cover.
  I am so thankful for this. For childlike wonder, for joy, for hope, for peseverance, for heart ache, for opportunities to lift up my head and attempt to bloom anew and afresh.
 That is all ~
Love Tansy

1 comment:

  1. Lift up your head and you will bloom anew and afresh 🦋
