A friend mentioned to me that she wanted to see wonder more in her life and that got me thinking about it. Today it was everywhere.
Right now I have a one year old that is becoming her own person. She can't talk in sentences and just knows a few words and right now so much of her world has to do with me. It is such an honor I can't fully express the beauty of it. She just wants 'up' 'up' and she sees me in pictures on the walls and points me out. She wants me to snuggle her and put her new boots on her and take her everywhere and the absolute wonder of this love. I am so thankful to have gotten to experience it.
My five year old today told me that she was sorry she had said I was as horrible as Satan :) We were on a walk in the cold and dark. It had just stopped raining and I was carrying the baby and we were walking the dog. My five year old feels things so deeply and is able to express things articulately and recognize what she is going through. So we were talking about all sorts of sad happenings. She has celiac disease and that causes her so much sadness, we are rehoming our dog and that is breaking her heart ,and there are other things she needed to talk about. I was trying to tell her how beautifully she was expressing everything and working through it and she just welled up with tears saying that she felt so bad about some horrible things she had said about me in anger. We were just walking along in the dark and just had our wonder moment and it was the most precious.
Myself and my oldest daughter and my two youngest daughters went to a store today and my oldest had her new born baby. My one year old was running away over and over as fast as she could :) So my oldest let her run while I kept the sleeping new born and picked out some clothes for my baby. My oldest was expressing thankfulness that she had not had to have a c section and felt so strong and able to manage the heavy one year old at just two weeks postpartum....that whole scenario? Wonder
The rest of my family is away right now at a property that is so beautiful and full of snow. Where we live there is grey rainy days on repeat and no snow. Their joy at being there and being in the snow....You got it ~ Wonder
It's always there even in the darkest hours ~ the wonder. Yesterday I was having panic attacks and crying on repeat and wishing that I could pull it together ~ feel less~ be more etc etc and it was hard to be in that. Today I cleaned for hours and wished I was with my family and yet there was wonder all around me.
May there be wonder all around you and may you see it