Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Welcome to My Adult Self

 As I sit to write I can see the sunrise out my living room window. The field across the way has frost on the grass and the puddle is frozen. The sunrise is deep pink and the mountains have some snow on them and look dark blue. It is such a peace filled moment. I have been looking for the moments of wonder everywhere faithfully. This is one of them. I have been getting up at 7:30  each morning for a while now because that feels like a good idea. I don't exercise (yet) or eat breakfast or really do all that much but try to sit without people needing me. I hope to make this an earlier time soon and then add in exercise and devotion and other healthy rituals that I can extend into my later years. But I feel joy at the fact that I can pull my aching bones out of bed at 7:30. Self discipline is a gift that I have often cast aside. 

  Another friend send me a podcast about neuroplasticity and our brains and some ways to take control of anxiety and other negative patterns our brains may be wired into racing to and to reprogram into gratitude and positivity. I have not been following all the steps but looking for wonder and focussing on those moments is one of the steps to take. As I write it's been just a few moments and the sunrise is gone. There is just the palest pink left in the sky. The sky is quite white really and the day may be grey but that sunrise was such a stunning start for my eyes to begin with this morning. 

  I am so grateful for people in my life that encourage me and want me to be able to move forward. Lately I have had a few people that have been consistent in teaching me and sharing with me what they are learning and how it is transforming them. It inspires me so much. 

  Another friend had this life altering encounter with her adult self. She felt like she often viewed and lived life in an older teenager or young adult state and that was a hard place to operate out of. When she was able to welcome her adult self in everything felt so clear, so right, and good! It was such incredible to hear about this experience and I wish I could be brave enough to welcome my adult self in more often.

 There is so much to learn isn't there? So much to work through and to process in this life. God bless you as you go through it all. It's not easy but when you go through life looking at everything like a capable mature adult there is so much more you can do! It's a beautiful thing and I hope I can get there.



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