Sunday, 29 December 2024

Christmas 2024

   Christmas has come and is now past. This year felt extremely special to me. There were so many reasons for this. My daughter just gave birth days before and so we had this tiny new human in our family that was so sweet and brought so much wonder to our home. I don't take many things for granted if I can help it and so the fact that we could go get a tree, that my sisters came over to my home to celebrate, that my dad drove out, that my children were all with me, that we had presents to open and the list goes on. I am going to randomly write out some hightlights from this Christmas as the baby is magically asleep and I might have the time. 

  Christmas in my home happens a lot because of the effort that I put out. My husband did not grow up in a home that celebrated anything and so he could take it or leave it. This year, though, I noticed that he participated more than usual and commented on how much he was looking forward to it which was so special. We have a few traditions each year. One of them is our Christmas Eve gift exchange. This year my husband wanted our new son in law to have this Christmas be one he would never forget. When my husband married into my family they did the same for him. He never forgot that first Christmas. So he got our son in law a gift that was extravagant that my son in law had wanted for years. The reaction did not disappoint. One of the most special parts about it though was that my husband had thought of it himself and my oldest son had contributed financially all on his own. A giving heart means so much to me. I see it as such a strength and such a benefit to a soul. I loved that my husband and son had such extravagantly giving hearts and that it made Christmas so special.

  This year our mail service went on strike and so we could not send Christmas cards or receive mail. I had ordered some gifts that were coming in the mail and they could not arrive and so one of the orders was cancelled. It was an order for my daughter and I felt quite worried about how to make that gift a reality. My mother in law (who does not really celebrate Christmas) stepped in and made the gift for me. I was so thankful for such kindness.

 When my extended family came to my house on Boxing Day I was pretty worn out already. However, between my sisters and daughters we made a full turkey dinner complete with stuffing, mashed potatoes, salads, buns, hot vegetables and desserts. Then my one sister who has not come to a family gathering in many years came as a surprise. It was so so SO special to see her there. All of my sisters and I were together in one room in my home! What a gift. All I want is to buy a property that we can all live on in separate houses and just be together for dinners sometimes you know? I love my siblings.

 On Christmas Day we have a lady come over for breakfast that we love dearly. She is not related by blood but we love her like family. She brings a breakfast casserole and stays for the gift opening. She does not have children so I think we wear her out pretty quickly but we just so love having her here. This year my little daughter snuggled in right beside her and just glowed with joy. I don't see that joy in her often sadly and so that filled my heart so full. I wanted to capture it and bottle it and just hold it so so so close! That mixture of delight and being delighted in just is priceless and so vital to our souls.

 This year we got one of our daughters a drum kit. We don't have room for one in our home but we have this storage unit in our driveway and even though it is winter she has been out there all hours drumming away. I have this wish that all my children would take up some sort of musical instrument as they are all so naturally talented musically but so stubborn as well. I don't have it in me to fight them in regards to practicing. She is teaching herself and has a natural rhythm and it is so fun to see. 

 There have been so many sad, hard, intense or devastating and absolutely exhausting Christmases in my life. When you come from a family that struggles in many ways a good Christmas means the world! I am so thankful and so tired :)

 Now onto a New Year. A New Year. May the Lord be with us, bless us and keep us, may His face shine upon us and give us peace.

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