I have homeschooled my children for about fourteen years. I still feel like an absolute novice and totally out of my league. Since it's been so many years I don't think that will change. None of my children love to learn from me or take any sort of direction and so homeschooling is like walking on lego for me.
Something about homeschool that I feel is a bit authentic to me is the morning collective that I attempt most mornings. My older children do not love it for the most part and it's a challenge but because it is a small piece of me that I can give, I keep on.
We read from the Bible and I read my grandmother's poetry to them. I also read a novel. I talk about all sorts of things that come from the depths of my heart. There is often a baby that wants to nurse and cry or a toddler to whine or a teenager that wants to project scorn. It has not often been an easy joyful thing. However there have been really special morning collectives that have warmed my heart.
I remember one collective we watched you tube videos of countries cultural dances. That was incredible! We talked about the beautifully diverse world we live in and how so many countries have these intricate and life giving cultures that are expressed in so many amazing ways.
Another collective I remember is listening to a song called 'The Blessing' that was covered by the UK during Covid. Other countries also did this but the first one we watched was the one from the UK and it was so powerful. I knew that I knew that it was the smallest taste of what heaven would be like. Covid was so isolating and so mentally and emotionally damaging and that song and the way countries sang it together was just healing.
This morning our collective was pretty standard ~ many many interruptions and power struggles and the baby needing to nurse, and yet there I was, and there they all were in my living room again. They have no idea how they have been blessed by me. They don't know any different. They will never fully understand the gifts they have been given in being home. However I know. I know! and today I felt the gifts even in the struggles and sacrifice. We talked about Jesus coming to the world as a baby and how angels appeared to shepherds ~ first just one angel with the glory of God around him but then a whole heavenly host appeared! The shepherds were overcome and scared but also totally in awe. They ran to see the baby and then told everyone they saw what had happened.
My oldest daughter is due to have a baby any day and the gift this baby already is to our world is staggering. Try to fathom then how Jesus has been a gift to every single soul. If I was not homeschooling I would not have sat down and taken the time to share with my children about these thoughts. Homeschooling, as sacrificial as it is, and hard as it is for me, is so incredibly worth it. I hope as my grandchildren grow I will have a chance to also help homeschool them.
What a gift my life is. I have worked so so hard to achieve what I have right now and I am so grateful.
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