Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Da da da da da....I'm lovin it!

I have just looked over most of my blog posts. I have written sixty four so far since July. I have realized too many of them focus on the sleep issues I struggle with. I am giving glory to something not at all glorious by giving it too much attention! I am sorry about that. I DO want to be vulnerable and transparent but at the same time I don't want to whine. So moving on! Today was the first day back at school here in our house. I think it went pretty well. I was once again reminded of how much you can cover in two hours when you homeschool. My sister has moved in with us and she has been such a blessing and support to me this last little while of being here. My husband and I had our twelve year wedding anniversary on Sunday and we went into the 'city' and soaked in a decent amount of beauty :) I found out my eight year old finally knows his birth date. Its a big deal! I have tried to hammer that into his noggin for years and today he casually mentions it...then states he has known it 'FOREVER'...ya right honey, good try though! To celebrate the end of this summer we got a little bunny named Blossom. She is so cute! My husband is making a custom mantle out of concrete for some clients. He has not done this before. I love how fearless he is to design and try new things. I got a new camera! She is a beauty and I am excited to be her proud owner. I hope I do her justice. I have made dinners for about a week straight with support from my sister! Although one night my sister and oldest daughter made one so I cant take full credit, however it has felt wonderful to have nutritious food in the house again. Last night my little one year old, who JUST turned one, got furious that his dad went outside without him and went downstairs, got a pair of his sisters pink sandals, brought them up to me and demanded (without being able to say a word other than mama and dada) for me to put them on!!!! He is a very eloquent non verbal yeller. I have one dozen red roses on my table and two sunflowers on my book shelf. We have a large fruit fly problem. Well the fruit flies are small but numerous. I feel indifferent to them because we had a carpenter ant back in the spring that had me frantic.Fruit flies seem minor. My sister does not share my indifference. She is waging war. Since my oldest has gone back to school this morning I have realized how much she has grown this summer. She needs all new everything! My neighbor and dear friend just went on an epic adventure on the West Coast Trail and returned alive. I have three friends due to have babies in the next couple months and I am really excited about this!!! So you get the pictures that there is more to my life than no sleep. It's all pretty simple stuff. I am a mom through and through and da da da da da I'm lovin it!!!!

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