Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Somewhere Up North

We just came back from an excursion up north. It wasn't too far up there but it was far enough to be immersed in old log cabins, the sighting of a black bear, an almost collision with a deer and many other moments that made my heart so so SSSOOO happy that I randomly teared up. We went to visit friends, and I have had this friend since I was eight years old. She is married nine years today and my husband and I turn twelve (!!!!!) in September. She has had four children and I have had four. We are grown ups now but it still shocks me when I look at her arms full of babies and me with my arms full and think...Really? This is us??? and it is! She lives somewhere stunningly beautiful. This year my children were old enough to discover the enthrallment of the forest. Since my friend's property is surrounded by it, they were out in it for hours. One night my son came in and told me they had played that they had no parents. He said it in a way that made my heart so happy (again) :) I remember the thrill of that feeling when I was little and played that myself. To feel like you are all alone in a forest that you have to fend for yourself is delicious! Only because you know perfectly well that your parents are two minutes away and all is really well. My husband helped them build a little house that they spend so much time covering with moss and decorating. When I was young I got such immense joy out of being out in the 'wild' of our fields and forests. I felt such thankfulness that my children were getting the chance to discover those feelings. We did many other small and wonderful things on this holiday but I think my children have ever been imprinted with that wild and wonderful feeling the forest brings. I can't be more thankful. One more dream of my mothering heart fulfilled :) As usual, because I cant help myself, I have fifty pictures for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. This trip sounds amazing, I love their little house ❤️
