One dusky night we took a walk
Down a fielded country road
The air was ripe with summer
We chatted in our comfortable way
I was remembering childhood
Smells of sun dried grass
Now stored in barns
Brought back happy moments for me
And you were suprised that I knew
That smell
We walked and talked
Our voices hushed
In the sacredness of the dark
Just friends were we
Then in a moment
A blink of an eye...
We layed down on warm pavement
To look up at the stars
Side by side
A vast expanse of possibility
Mystery and marvel
And I wanted to hold your hand!
You asked me what I was thinking
And everything changed
I wouldn't tell,
I couldn't.
We walked home electric
Nothing was the same
You leaned on my car door and said goodbye
I drove home in a daze
How had this happened?
Were we meant to be?
I had thought not.
So different were we
In personality
But the magic of that star filled night
Filled my heart
Early the next morning
You called me
And asked me if I would be yours
And you could be mine
The rest is history
This makes for such sweet reading 🥰❤️