Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Happy Wednesday

   Well...guess who just walked into my house and shocked the socks off me? My husband!!!!! He is due home Friday afternoon sometime for the weekend and then away again for next week. I was so happily surprised. I really wished he was home today because I was so tired and even though it was a great day I think I just mentally wanted to have him home and he is!!!! So I am headed out to do a work out and dinner is on the stove. I just need to make a Greek Salad for thirty people, make a dessert for my other children's teacher's birthday tomorrow and get everyone their dinner and to bed and then pick up my oldest and help my hubby with homework and I have accomplished another day!

  Today my key worker came angel really...and we went over how everyone in the family was doing and I met her about a year ago and we just marveled how EVERYTHING has changed so dramatically! One year can change so much for the good and vice versa. It was an emotional conversation. Seriously...if you are going through a time where you are SO SO SO tired....all I can say is ~ hang on, hang on tight!' Call on your supports and give yourself all the grace in the world...because it will not last forever. It might last for a very long time, but it will not last forever (if this tiredness is because of children anyway :) and when you are getting good quality sleep everything in the world changes. Another thing that changes A LOT of things is self esteem and taking care of yourself. In the last couple months my husband and I have been working hard on our self esteem and not even on purpose it just sort of naturally happened. My husband got a new job that we dreamed really really big for. I started working out and changed our families diet and because of that I have more energy and capabilities for change. Before this I had been in such a deep pit of exhaustion for about nine years, bad eating was the norm and I had such low capabilities but still I accomplished much more than just the basics, it was just so much effort and I cried or felt emotionless A LOT. I gave all I had all the time but I realize how little I had to give and how giving out of emptiness hurts so much.

   So right now if you are giving out of emptiness...I so get it and I hurt for you. I hope a time comes soon where someone pours into you and sees you and helps you so you can keep on. Don't give up.  Each step you take is getting you somewhere and you are amazing!


  1. I really like that you've switched eating. I think I'm going to sugar detox again really soon and it will be the 4th time in a year but this time I think I can make it stay because you're eating this way too and that really helps. I love you!

  2. I feel like I am right in the midst of pouring from an empty and broken cup at the moment and this post was meant just for me, thankyou for bravely sharing the highs and the lows ❤️
