Sunday, 11 September 2016

Rest and Peace

   A field of animals lying down chewing their cud in silence in the light of a September morning. The grass a brilliant green, the sky alight and the clouds fringing the horizon. Mountains glorious in their stillness and all seems still. I am exploring rest and peace today and its the perfect canvas for it. The sun is free to fill every corner with light. Cars on not so constant here and so the quiet is broken by a thump as an apple descends from lofty heights, the breeze rustles leaves still green above me, a disgruntled insect buzzes, the slap of a tail swatting flies, the hum of the electric fence, the trill of a bird ~ all of it is the melody of peace today. On a day like today the spirit of peace blankets nature, it is the aroma of where I am, it is the essence.
  I want to snuggle in to the warm side of a resting cow pretending flies wont bite me. I want to lope along with the coyote I see far off in the distant field of planted trees. I want to climb up into the ancient gnarled apple tree to be closer to the sky or capture the beauty and strength of a stalk of corn. I want to sit in the middle of it all, sink down amidst it and just be ~ like I used to years ago when I was a child. I am filled with gratitude that parts of me long for this, are filled by this. It can be easy to forget in the ebb and flow of all life brings and takes, but rest is here. Rest comes in with peace and beauty to bestow. I am thankful for this life, and this self awareness, and these choices.

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